The Use of The Right Form of Verbs with Indicators.
ইংরেজিতে নির্ভুলভাবে Communicate করতে হলে একটি verb কোথায় কোনরূপে ব্যবহার হতে পারে তা জানা একান্ত অপরিহার্য। আর এ Verb এর সঠিক রূপ ব্যবহার জানার পদ্ধতিকেই Right Form of Verb বলে।➽ নিম্নে Using right forms of verbs ব্যবহারের কতিপয় সহজ Rule বা নিয়ম উদাহরণসহ প্রদান করা হল।
🔺Rule-1 কোন Sentence-এর বক্তব্য যদি চিরন্তন সত্য (Universal truth) হয় তবে তা Present Indefinite Tense হবে। এক্ষেত্রে Subject-এর দিকে লক্ষ্য করতে হবে। Subject যদি 3rd person এবং Singular number হয় তবে মূল Verb-এর শেষে 's' এবং 'es' বসাতে হবে।
The earth (move) round the sun.
➤The earth moves round the sun.
Cherity (being) at home.
➤Cherity beings at home.
🔺Rule-2 কোন Sentence- এর বক্তব্য যদি অভ্যাসগত সত্য (Habitual fact) হয় তবে তা Present Indefinite Tense হবে। কাজেই Subject যদি 3rd person এবং Singular number হয় তবে মূল Verb-এর শেষে 's' এবং 'es' যোগ করতে হবে।
My mother (recite) the Holy Quran every morning.
➤My mother recites the Holy Quran every mornig.
For Practice
Re-write the following sentence using the form of verb.
🔺Rule-3 Present Indefinite Tense যদি Negative (না বোধক) হয় তবে Subject-এর পরে do/does বসবে, তারপর not বসবে।
I not (eat) pineapple.
➤I do not eat pineapple.
Rifat not (take) exercise.
➤Rafat does not take exercise.
🔺Rule-4 Bare infinitive ( let, behold, make, see. watch, hear, bid, need, dare, feel, cannot but, used to) Modal auxiliaries ( can, could, may, might, shall, should, will, would. ought to, must. would rather. am to, is to, are to, had better, have to. has to. ইত্যাদির পরের Verb-টির Present form হয়।
She made me (do) the work.
➤ She made me do the work.
We cannot but (shed) tears.
We cannot but shed tears.
I used to live alone.
➤I used to live alone.
I can (do) the wrok.
➤I can do the wrok.
It may (rain) today.
➤It may rain today.
You should (obey) your parents.
➤You should obey your parents.
You would rather (go) there.
➤You would rather (go) there.
You had better (go) to a doctor.
➤You had better go to a doctor.
We are to (go) now.
➤We are to go now.
You have to (do) this.
➤You have to do this.
🔺Rule-5 কোন কাজ সবেমাত্র শেষ হয়েছে এরূপ বুঝানোর জন্য already, just, just now, recenly, lately, never, ever, yet, ইত্যাদির word ব্যবহার হয় এবং verb-এর Present Perfect Tense হয়।
➤You have already been answered.
The enemy just (flee) away.
➤The enemy has just fled away.
I have not yet choosen my career.
➤They have never (swim) in the river.
They have never swum in the river.
🔺Rule-6 কোন Sentence-এ অতীত নির্দেশক word/ Phrase. যেমনঃ yesterday. last night. last weet. last month, last years, ago, long, since, ইত্যাদি থাকলে সেটি Past Indefinite Tense হয়। এক্ষেত্রে Subject-এর পর Verb-এর Past form (did, went) বসে।
He (Buy) a pen yesterday.
➤He bought a pen yesterday.
He (leave) home half an hour ago.
➤He lelf home half an hour ago
I (receive) your letter yesterday.
➤I received your letter yesterday.
Last night. I (have) a wonderful dream.
➤Last night. I had a wonderful dream.
None liked him as he (be) idle.
➤None liked him as he was idle.
🔺Rule-7 It is time, it is high time, wish এবং fancy-এর Verb-এর Past form (did went....) বসে।
It is time we (go) there.
➤It is time we went there.
If I (know) him earther!
➤If I knew him earther!
🔺Rule-8 If wish বা fancy-এর ব্রকেটে 'be' থাকলে তাকে 'were' করতে হবে Subject যা-ই হোক না কেন।
I wish I (be) a poet.
I wish I were a poet.
🔺Rule-9 অতীতে সংঘটিত দুটি কাজের মধ্যে যে কাজটি অপেক্ষাকৃত পূর্বে আগে সংঘটিত হয় সেটি Past Perfect Tense এবং যেটি পরে ঘটেছিল সেটি Past Indefinite Tense হয়। Before (পূর্বে) এর পূর্বে এবং After-এর পরে Past Perfect Tense ব্যবহার হয়। After এর পরে বসে Past Perfect Tense.
The patient (die) before the doctor (come).
➤The patienth had died before the doctor came.
The train (leave) the station after he (reach) there.
➤The train left the station after he reached there.
His father died after he (be) ill for a long time.
➤His father died after he had been ill for a long time.
I reached the station after the train (leave).
➤I reached the station after the train had left.
🔺Rule-10 No sooner, scarcely ও hardly যুক্ত Clauseটি Past Perfect Tense (had' Subject-এর আগে) এবং than বা when যুক্ত Clauseটি Past Indefinite Tense হয়।
No sooner he (come) here than I (leave) the place.
➤No sooner had he come here than I left the place.
Hardly had he seen me, when he (leave) the place.
➤Hardly had he seen me, when he left the place.
🔺Rule-11 দুটি Clause-এর মাঝে Conjunction হিসেবে since থাকলে প্রথমে Clause-টি যদি Present Tense হয় তবে পরেরটি হবে Past Indefinite Tense.
Many days have passed since you (visit) our village.
➤Many days have passed since you visited our village.
Many days have passed since I (see) you.
➤Many days have passed since I swa you.
🔺Rule-12 Since-এর আগের Clause-টি যদি Past Indefinite Tense হয় তবে পরের Clause-টি হবে Perfect Tense.
It was long since I ( meet) him.
➤It was long since I had met him.
It was long since I (see) you.
➤It was long since I had seen you.
🔺Rule-13 Conditional Clause যদি Past Perfect Tense হয় তবে অপর Clause-টির Subject-এর পর would/might/ ( কখন কখন could) বসাতে হয়। তারপর মূল Verb-এর Present form বসবে।
If Raji came here, he (meet) me.
➤If Raji came here, I shall meet me.
🔺Rule-14 Conditional Clause (If-Clause) যদি Past Perfect Tense হয় তবে অপর Clause-এর পর Subject-এর পর would/have/might have (কখনও কখনও could have) বসে এবং মূল Verb-এর Past Participle হয়।
If I had known you before, I (invite) you.
➤If I had known you before, I would have invited you.
🔺Rule-15 শর্তমূলক (Conditional) Clause যদি had দিয়ে শুরু হয় তবে এর মত প্রক্রিয়া অনুসর করতে হবে (অর্থাৎ would have/might have+Past Participle)
Had I been a king. I (rule) the country well.
➤Had I been a king. I might have rule the country well.
Had I been a rich man, I (help) the poor.
➤Had I been a rich man, I would have helped the poor.
🔺Rule-16 Simple Sentence-এ দুটি Verb থাকলে Sentence-এর শেষের দিকের Verb-এর ing যোগে Present Participle করতে হবে।
I saw the man (run) away.
➤I saw the man running away.
I saw the man bird (sit) on the roof.
➤I saw the man bird sitting on the roof.
I heard her (sing) in the Assembly Hall.
➤I heard her singing in the Assembly Hall.
🔺Rule-17 যখন Subject-এর বিভিন্ন Person or, nor, either.......or. neither......nor দ্বারা যুক্ত হয় তখন শেষাক্ত Person এর Subject অনুযায়ী Verb বসে।
Either he or I (be) mistaken.
➤Either he or I am mistaken.
Neither you nor she (be) beautibul.
শুধু গুরুত্বপূর্ণ রুলস গুলো দেওয়া হলো।