
Showing posts with label HSC Suggestions- 2021. Show all posts
Showing posts with label HSC Suggestions- 2021. Show all posts

Short Suggestions for HSC 2021 English Second Paper

The Royal English Academy     June 07, 2021     0


English Second Paper (Short Syllabus)

Questions No. 1- 9 (Grammar):

***Follow the previous Board Questions.

Question No. 10 (Formal Letter) 

  1. Multi-media facilities in classrooms.
  2. Praying for going on a study tour.
  3. Debating Club in your college.
  4. Seat in the school hostel.
  5. flood-affected people in your locality.
  6. Praying for Testimonial.
  7. Facilities in the college campus.
  8. Sound system for large classrooms.
  9. English Language club.
  10. For a Transfer certificate.
  11. Facilities in the common room.
  12. Stage a drama on the college campus.

Question No. 11 (Paragraph Writing- Listing and Description)

  1. Uses and Abuses of the Internet.
  2. Uses and Abuses of Facebook.
  3. A College Library.
  4. Your Future Plan of Life.
  5. Physical Exercise.
  6. Early Rising.
  7. An Ideal Student. 
  8. Climate Change.
  9. A Winter Morning.
  10. Your College Magazine.
  11. Your Visit to a Baishakhi Fair.
  12. Empowerment of Women.
  13. How to Prevent Covid- 19

Questions No. 12 (Paragraph- Compare and Contrast/ Cause and Effect)

  1. Epidemic and Pandemic.
  2. A Nuclear Family and an Extended Family.
  3. County Life Vs City Life.
  4. Democracy Vs Autocracy.
  5. School Life and College Life.
  6. Environment Pollution.
  7. Deforestation.
  8. Dowry System.
  9. Causes and Effects of Road Accidents.
  10. Load Shedding.
  11. Drug Addiction.
  12. Gender Discrimination.
  13. Traffic Jam.
  14. Child Labour.
  15. Early Marriage.

Short Suggestion for HSC 2021 English First Paper (Short Syllabus)

The Royal English Academy     June 05, 2021     0

English First Paper (Short Suggestions)

1. Passage: 01 (MCQ & Questions/ Answer)
  1. My brother, I stand for you today................we would agree to that offer. [L- 1(2), Unit- 1]
  2. To those in the armed forces........................ Long live Bengal. [L- 1(2), Unit- 1]
  3. Nelson Mandela guided South Africa............ humanity, kindness and dignity. [L- 2(2), Unit 1]
  4. Valentina Tereshkova was born in the.......................Vostok-6 launched faultlessly. [L- 3(1), Unit 1]
  5. Chawla was born in Karnal........................................ to retrieve the satellite. [L- 3, Unit- 1]
  6. ..... (T) he Negro is still not free........................ as sisters and brothers. [L- 3(2), Unit-3]
  7. I am in a tiny steel cage...................................... and walk to work. [ L-2, Unit- 4]
  8. Unsafe levels of pesticides are present .................. coriander, mango and fresh shrimps.[L-1, Unit-5]
  9. Using a sensitive, High-Performance........................... products, they added. [L- 1, Unit- 5]
  10. "I never eat more than one thing.............................. it was a marvel. [L- 2, Unit- 5]
  11. As a child you must have.................................... day smooth and pleasant. [L- 1, Unit- 7]
  12. One of the sources of water in ......................... water, water and find it nowhere. [L- 1, Unit-12]
  13. Bangladesh is blessed with................................ shelter for parent fish. [L-2, Unit- 12]
  14. A vast mangrove forest.................................. said ZSL tiger expert Sarah Christie. [L-4, Unit- 12]
  15. Kuakata, locally known as.............................the traditional fairs. [L- 5, Unit 12]

2. Cloze Test with Clues:

*** Follow all the previous Board Questions. 

3. Cloze Tes without Clues:

*** Follow all the previous Board Questions.

4. Rearranging:

*** Follow all the previous Broad Questions.

5. Writing Paragraph:

  1.  Covid- 19.
  2. Food Adulteration.
  3. Pahela Baishakh.
  4. Diaspora. 
  5. Digital Bangladesh.
  6. Folk Music.
  7. Uses and Abuses of Mobilephones.
  8. A Book Fair You have Visited.
  9. Tree Plantation.
  10. Greenhouse Effect.
  11. Dengue Fever.
  12.  Ettiquette and manner.
  13. Premature Marriage.
  14. Eve-Teasig.
  15. Modern Technology. 

6. Completing Story:

  1. A thirsty crow.
  2. A rich man and a cobbler.
  3. There lived a poor farmer.
  4. A golden egged goose.
  5. A Crow and a fox.
  6. A poor woodcutter.
  7. Slow and steady wins the race. 
  8. Two friends and a bear.
  9.  Story of Sheikh Saadi.
  10. Bayazid Bustami.
  11. King Midas.
  12.  Robert Bruce. 
  13. The naughty cowboy.
  14. An ant and a dove.
  15. Unity is strength.

7. Informal Letter (Personal Letter):

  1. Advising younger brother about Covid- 19.
  2. Consoling friend for his/ her father's death.
  3. Advising younger brother to be attentive to study.
  4. Advising younger brother about physical exercise.
  5. Describing prize-giving ceremony.
  6. Preparation of the examination.
  7. Congratulating on the brilliant results in the examination.
  8. thanking him for the hospitality.
  9. Describing the co-curricular activities.
  10. About the recent picnic, you have gone. 


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